Monday, September 26, 2016
The First Art House Theater Day is over...
What a long day that was! We started the morning with Richard McComas performing Beatles songs for our first two audiences (thanks Richard.) One family of three got 3 ALL IN PASSES when they arrived at 11 AM and they actually stayed all day through two programs of animated shorts, Time Bandits, Verdi's Requiem and Porches and Private Eyes. That's my kind of family. The audiences grew steadily throughout the day. The next to the last show was a Henri Georges Clouzot film of Verdi's Requiem from 1967. The audience seemed to love it, and when it was over they emerged to find a feast donated by Martin's at Midtown, Mainstreet Market Cafe, 10 South, Roca, and Just Desserts. (Thanks Jay, Sally, Chris, Lisa, John, Heather, Kevin, and whoever helped you - it was perfect.) Early arrivals for the last show of the day were there for the food and socializing as well. I love the energy we get when we have something like this. And bar sales were pretty good, too.
For the finale Travis Mills, director of Porches was there along with 2 of the actors, and 2 producers. He introduced the feature, and afterwards he and his team engaged the audience in conversation from the apron of the stage.
I was excited to get a few folks who had never been to the Strand before along with a liberal dose of our regulars. We reached my secret goal of the minimum number of total attendees. Our thanks to everyone who came and / or supported the day. Next year: well, hopefully, more.
Art House Theater Day at the Strand could not have happened without Jack Burns (without whom nothing would happen at the Strand.) Also thanks to Lauren, Cami, and Stacie for their invaluable assistance with this and other projects there. And of course, thank you, Lesley for all your encouragement and support.
All in all, I think AHTD reminded people how cool it is to experience films with an audience and especially how much fun it can be to discuss what we see with other adventurous filmgoers. I think we learned a few things to do to make next year's 2nd ever Art House Theater Day at the Strand even better. Come be a part of what we are doing at the Strand from now until then.
This week: MANHATTAN SHORTS with an afterparty at Martin's at Midtown...Saturday, October 1 starting at 7. Come early and get a good seat...
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